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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Keeping Up

First of all - here's a big SORRY for not showing up for a few days.  I have been SO sick.  Still am but finally got myself out of bed.  I hope you all are hanging in there and doing well.  Better then me I hope.  Being sick has meant a bad start off to this thing - but I can't wait to be better and get exercising, eating better etc.

So how are you all doing on giving up your one thing?  That's part of our first challenge.  I am happy to say that I haven't slipped once - and I am loving the baby steps we are taking.  I know that if I had given up everything (like I usually try to do) I would have failed by now.  It's so much easier to let one or two things go at a time.  Are you finding it to be the same?

I am posting a PUSHER for Thanksgiving day and Friday.  You probably wont like me for this one - but here it is: PASS on ONE Thanksgiving day food item that you know is yummy, but oh so bad for you!  :)  Will it be rolls?  Sweet Potato Casserole?  I am adding Friday into this PUSHER also - because of the leftovers!!!  Let us know what you had the strength to pass on in the comments section!

Lastly, I wanted to encourage those who have not yet signed up for the Calorie Counter online to do it!!!!!  It's SO awesome.  And Free.  Can't beat that!  I don't have time to get onto the computer every time I eat to log something, so I got myself a nifty wipe board ($2 at walmart) and write it all down, then log @ night.

GOOD LUCK and KEEP IT UP!!!  You are all doing SO well - only about a week left of our first challenge!

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